
Cosmopolis School Transportation Schedule  PDF Link
Cosmopolis School Transportation Schedule
Morning Pick Up Afternoon Drop Off
Breakfast Arrival - 8:00 a.m. Bus Student Dismissal - 2:25 p.m.
School Arrival - 8:10 a.m.
6:35 Depart bus garage 2:30 Depart Cosmopolis School
1 6:45 718 U.S. Hwy 101 1 2:36 Birkdale St./Woodside Rd.
2 6:55 Turn around end of Lund Rd. 2 2:39 Franklin Dr./Trinity Way
3 6:56 337 Lund Rd. 3 2:45 Cosi School - Staff Drop off
4 7:07 163 North River Rd. 4 2:53 718 U.S. Hwy 101
5 7:09 9 Peggy Ln. 5 3:04 Turn Around End of Lund Rd.
6 7:13 156 Artic Rd. (As needed) 6 3:06 337 Lund Rd.
7 7:28 Turn around State Rt. Hwy 107, Mile 4 7 3:19 Clark's Restaurant - 731 Hwy. 101 (As Needed)
8 7:30 766 State Rt. Hwy. 107 8 3:16 163 North River Rd.
9 7:44 Cosi School - Staff Pick up 9 3:18 9 Peggy Ln.
10 7:50 Birkdale St./Woodside Rd. 10 3:22 156 Artic Rd. (As needed)
11 7:54 Franklin Dr./Trinity Way 11 3:37 Turn around State Rt. Hwy 107, Mile 4
12 8:00 Breakfast Eaters - Arrive at School 12 3:39 766 State Rt. Hwy. 107
3:54 Arrival at bus garage
Early Dismissal - 12:15 p.m. Early Dismissal - 10:20 a.m.
Bus Student Dismissal - 12:10 p.m. Bus Student Dismissal - 10:15 a.m.
1 12:15 Depart Cosmopolis School 1 10:20 Depart Cosmopolis School
2 12:21 Birkdale St./Woodside Rd. 2 10:25 Birkdale St./Woodside Rd.
3 12:24 Franklin Dr./Trinity Way 3 10:29 Franklin Dr./Trinity Way
4 12:31 Cosi School - Staff Drop off 4 10:35 Cosi School - Staff Drop off
5 12:39 718 U.S. Hwy 101 5 10:43 718 U.S. Hwy 101
6 12:50 Turn Around End of Lund Rd. 6 10:54 Turn Around End of Lund Rd.
7 12:52 337 Lund Rd. 7 10:56 337 Lund Rd.
8 1:05 Clark's Restaurant - 731 Hwy. 101 (As Needed) 8 11:09 Clark's Restaurant - 731 Hwy. 101 (As Needed)
9 1:02 163 North River Rd. 9 11:06 163 North River Rd.
10 1:04 9 Peggy Ln. 10 11:08 9 Peggy Ln.
11 1:08 156 Artic Rd. (As needed) 11 11:12 156 Artic Rd. (As needed)
12 1:23 Turn around State Rt. Hwy 107, Mile 4 12 11:27 Turn around ST Rt Hwy 107, Mile 4
13 1:25 766 State Rt. Hwy. 107 13 11:33 766 ST Rt. Hwy. 107
1:40 Arrival at bus garage 11:45 Arrival at bus garage
Amended 8/30/2022 SB