We must prepare our students for their future, not our past. What students are doing in school must be aligned with what they will do in the future. The Cosmopolis School District recognizes that technology is a necessary investment in our students. Our Technology in the Classroom Initiative has put iPads in the hands of each student throughout the day in grades 2-6.
The Technology in the Classroom Initiative has made a difference in the lives of our students by allowing them to access curricula immediately following a lesson, provide tutorials for students needing remediation and challenging those students needing enrichment instruction. Teachers are able to assign additional work electronically and receive instant feedback on student assessments. With the immediate results from the digital student assessments, parents can access the digital curriculum and tutorials from home, while working with their students on the deficit or enrichment learning targets. Students are provided opportunities to make discoveries and to become life-long learners using dual platforms (PC laptops and iPads) and unlimited software applications.
Our reading curriculum and mathematics curriculum focuses on the Common Core State Standards that are used across the Unites States. In the near future, the district will be exploring, then piloting new science curriculum which needs to have a strong technology focus. The Technology in the Classroom Initiative has greatly widen our curricular considerations for the science content area, including the use of probes and other scientific devices.
In today's technology world, individuals need to know how to access dual platforms to gain a competitive edge. We are preparing our students for their future and providing them access to both platforms depending on the instructional content area and the focused student learning targets.